Understanding Consumer Trust in E-commerce in emerging markets: A Comprehensive Analysis of Factors and Their Impacts

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Mr. Harish B, Dr. Sam Thomas


This study aims to test a conceptual model that examines the relationships among electronic retail (e-retail) service quality, trust, satisfaction, brand equity, repeat purchase intention and electronic word of mouth. A quantitative survey was conducted among online shoppers in India. The survey used established scales to measure constructs in the proposed models. The structural equation modelling (SEM) procedure was applied to test the model. The results confirmed that electronic service quality positively influences customer trust and satisfaction. Both trust and satisfaction were found to be significant influencers of consumer-based electronic retail brand equity. Brand equity positively influences electronic word of mouth and repeat purchase intention. E-retailers can use this model to measure, monitor, and improve their consumer's perceptions towards their brand.

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How to Cite
Mr. Harish B, Dr. Sam Thomas. (2023). Understanding Consumer Trust in E-commerce in emerging markets: A Comprehensive Analysis of Factors and Their Impacts. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 1220–1238. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/781