Impact of Training on the Performance of Front-line Sales Officers of private sector banks

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Nishtha Sharma, Sandeep Kumar


In the dynamic landscape of the banking industry, front-line sales officers play a pivotal role in acquiring and retaining customers. This research paper aims to investigate the impact of training on the performance of front-line sales officers in private sector banks. The study explores the methods, content, and duration of training programs and their effects on the employees' performance, customer satisfaction, and overall success of the banks. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating surveys and interviews with front-line sales officers, managers, and customers, as well as a comprehensive review of relevant literature. The findings offer valuable insights for private sector banks seeking to enhance their sales teams' performance and competitive edge.

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How to Cite
Nishtha Sharma, Sandeep Kumar. (2023). Impact of Training on the Performance of Front-line Sales Officers of private sector banks. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(5), 730–734.