Solution To the Common Problems Faced by The Students Because Of Mood Swing or Change in Behaviour During Their Academic Time Span: A Study

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Dr. Sudhir M. Purohit, Dr. Aparna S. Ger, Dr. Nitin Godse


The current generation is under constant pressure, whether it comes from peer pressure or any other form of maltreatment. There is a drastic change in the behavior pattern of the students especially after pandemic. These generations students believe that life is difficult and, without pausing to consider, make hasty decisions. They always want attention and the affection and understanding that today's generations lack. The generation feels this way since their parents don't pay them as much attention because both of their parents are employed. Parents are unable to adequately communicate with their children due to their busy schedules. The objective behind this research study is to find out the reasons for the change in the mood swing or change in the behaviour of the students during their academic span of time and the solution to the problems in general faced commonly by the student. The paper discussed about the behaviour of a student and the results by solving their emotional problems which they encounter because some external environment and which is affecting their studies and academic performance and also the personal life too. The mental disturbance or issues are arising because of the general or specific reasons which are the real cause of the obstacles in their life.

Methodology: The research is based on primary data. Data will be collected through questionnaire and analyzed with the help of statistical tools.

Findings: It is crucial to cater to the requirements of students who are struggling with a variety of challenges in order to help them live better and more resourcefully.

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How to Cite
Dr. Sudhir M. Purohit, Dr. Aparna S. Ger, Dr. Nitin Godse. (2023). Solution To the Common Problems Faced by The Students Because Of Mood Swing or Change in Behaviour During Their Academic Time Span: A Study. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(4), 1256–1265. Retrieved from