Awareness of Government Initiative Schemes for Start-ups Among Students

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Dr. A. Arun Kumar, Dr. Aarthi Dhakshana J. D., Dr. Keerthi B. S.


Entrepreneurship is the process of starting an enterprise. Entrepreneurs are often portrayed as a pioneer, a provider of innovative ideas, goods, services and business processes. The aim of this research is to Study the Awareness Level of Entrepreneurship Development Schemes among college students. The data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire from 128 College students at Thanjavur district. Descriptive Statistics, weighted average rank and correlation was used to analyses data. The results of the study will indicate the college student’s awareness about the Entrepreneurship Development programs offered by the Government.

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How to Cite
Dr. A. Arun Kumar, Dr. Aarthi Dhakshana J. D., Dr. Keerthi B. S. (2022). Awareness of Government Initiative Schemes for Start-ups Among Students. European Economic Letters (EEL), 12(2), 01–06.