An Empirical Study on Identifying Employee Engagement Factors for Productivity in Startups

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V. Deepti, T. Sobha Rani


We are hearing the word ‘Startup’ in the Indian corporate world from the past few years with the launch of Prime Minister's ambitious Start-up India mission in 2016; it seems that India is progressing to become the next big start-up nation. Never before in the history of India, many dominant forces have gathered together to promote start-ups and facilitate them to prosper globally. In the past few years, the Indian start-up ecosystem has seen a mammoth growth, despite several roadblocks, adoption of play-to-win approach by the young and enthusiastic entrepreneurs was an all-time high. The Indian government is providing more opportunities for first generation entrepreneurs to build a start-up for economic growth in India. But, these opportunities and challenges are creating start-ups in India but are not surviving in the long run, due to several issues both internally and externally in the corporate ecosystem. There are different factors to consider on the overall success of a start-up, such as; operating costs, marketing, the economy, advertising, and most importantly human resource. However, even start-ups that hire the best employees can have problems if they are not properly engaged, and taken care of.

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How to Cite
T. Sobha Rani, V. D. (2022). An Empirical Study on Identifying Employee Engagement Factors for Productivity in Startups . European Economic Letters (EEL), 12(2), 143–159.