A Thoughtful Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Skills Required for Startup’s – In the Modern Era

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Kotteswaran.D, P. Elantheraiyan


Acquiring skills in entrepreneurship is essential for business achievement. The developments brought about by the industrial revolution have an impact on the realm of entrepreneurship. Being competitive receives extra credit and is a necessary skill for leading a team of workers. This study seeks to reveal the entrepreneurial skills required for an organization's holistic growth, regardless of its personnel, finance, materials, production, or operational responsibilities. The creator of a successful firm possesses a set of attributes that other entrepreneurs in the early or mid-stage of their business venture lack. An entrepreneur, at any level, possesses a set of abilities that advances their organization's performance, boost productivity, and generate enormous profit. According to the findings of this study, specific entrepreneurial qualities such as creativity, decision-making, Personnel competency, psychological competency, management competency, and administrative expertise are vital for the success of a Startup’s. This research enables the development of a competency-based approach in both academic and industrial contexts for the formation of successful enterprises in the future, thereby strengthening the nation's economy.

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How to Cite
Kotteswaran.D, P. Elantheraiyan. (2023). A Thoughtful Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Skills Required for Startup’s – In the Modern Era. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(5), 1199–1202. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v13i5.893