A Study of Technological density in Healthcare worker: A comprehensive review within the Indian Context

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Anisha khan, Dr. Indrajit Ghosal


Healthcare workers now experience technological stress, which is one of the major issues brought about by the seamless integration of technology into the industry, which has transformed patient care and management. In the context of the Indian healthcare sector, this systematic research aims to understand the occurrence, effects, and possible measures for minimizing technological stress. The various forms of technological stress, from information overload to trouble adjusting to quickly changing digital tools, are shown by a thorough examination of pertinent literature. The review underscores the detrimental effects of technological stress on healthcare professionals' well-being and the quality of patient care. Key findings highlight the need for targeted interventions and training programs aimed at enhancing technological readiness and resilience among healthcare workers in the Indian context. The study highlights the urgency of prioritizing technological stress management strategies to ensure sustainable and efficient healthcare delivery in India.

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How to Cite
Anisha khan, Dr. Indrajit Ghosal. (2023). A Study of Technological density in Healthcare worker: A comprehensive review within the Indian Context. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(5), 1448–1456. Retrieved from https://www.eelet.org.uk/index.php/journal/article/view/929