Analyzing SELF-detox measures AND DETOX APPS for digital detoxification

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Dr. Marielia Assumption, Dr. G. B Hemalatha


Today technology is an integral part of our lives, so maintaining a balance between our digital devices and personal well-being has become vital. The purpose of the study aims to explore the current underlying problem of digital addiction, its symptoms, and its measures. 

A study has been conducted among a wide scope of mobile internet users aged from 6 to 65 years. The study shows the extend of activities the users on smart mobile devices. An extensive use of them have become a menace causing internet addiction. Without the end user being aware this has slowly crept into individual growth, physical, mental, and economic wellbeing.   

The study helps us to find, how self-help measures and the digital detox apps implementation help in overcoming digital addiction. The usage time and abstinence time plays an important role in achieving detoxification. The investigation reveals an individual should be aware of the addiction pointer, measures taken for digital detoxification were assertive to achieve abstinence from digital devices.  

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How to Cite
Dr. Marielia Assumption, Dr. G. B Hemalatha. (2023). Analyzing SELF-detox measures AND DETOX APPS for digital detoxification. European Economic Letters (EEL), 13(5), 1466–1471. Retrieved from