A Study on the Ability and Competency of Indian Seafarers; A Thematic Analysis Approach.

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Aby Amal, Totakura Bangar Raju


The term "ability" signifies the inherent capacity or condition of being competent in performing a specific activity or set of activities. Competency encompasses the assimilation of knowledge, expertise, capabilities, and actions that empower an individual to proficiently do a task. Several studies have suggested that there will be a shortage of skilled maritime labour in the coming years.  The study is conducted to understand abilities and competitiveness of Indian sailors and any shortcomings in their proficiency. The study's objective is to assess the abilities of young Indian sailors from the perspective of the onboard management team. The research aims to investigate any deficiencies in the Indian marine education system's training and curriculum. India's ability to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the concern will enable it to supply a proficient labour force that can fulfil the requirements of the expanding job market.

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How to Cite
Aby Amal, Totakura Bangar Raju. (2024). A Study on the Ability and Competency of Indian Seafarers; A Thematic Analysis Approach. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(3), 397–411. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i3.1782