Empowering Women through Education: A Roadmap for Financial and Personal Independence

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Madhu Bala Kaushik, Poonam Rajharia, Sumedha Soni, Akshay Jain, Jyoti Singh


Objective - The study is carried out by researcher to investigate how women education is affecting autonomy in decision making in Rajasthan. To analyse how women education is affecting their financial independence and to learn more about the obstacles that women confront when they try to further their education.

Research Methodology - The research relies on primary data gathered from structured questionnaire from 131 females of Jaipur, Rajasthan. Random sampling method was used and correlation and regression method were applied with two tail ANOVA.

Results and findings - Relationship was explored with the two construct like autonomy in decision making and financial independence with education status of women in Jaipur Rajasthan.

Conclusion - The improvement in education status of women is leading towards autonomy in decision making and financial independence in Rajasthan.

Limitation - The study is limited to Rajasthan and need to be conducted on broader geographical area.

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How to Cite
Madhu Bala Kaushik, Poonam Rajharia, Sumedha Soni, Akshay Jain, Jyoti Singh. (2024). Empowering Women through Education: A Roadmap for Financial and Personal Independence. European Economic Letters (EEL), 14(3), 1200–1207. https://doi.org/10.52783/eel.v14i3.1881