FinTech as a Financing Solution for Indian Startups: A Systematic Literature Review
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Purpose: This paper aims to review recent literature on FinTech adoption by reviewing published research papers on FinTech and digital finance using SLR techniques.
Methodology: Data were collected from 1 Database (Scopus) using PRISMA guidelines. In this context, the study summarizes the literature that focuses on FinTech variables contributing to Financial Technology adoption, specifically considering financing solutions for Startups in India.
Findings: This research offers valuable insights into how financial technology supports the survival and growth of emerging businesses by examining the specific financial requirements of startups and how FinTech innovations address these needs.
Limitations: The biggest constraint of this study is the use of only one database, despite the availability of numerous others. This limitation raises the possibility that articles from other sources may have been overlooked
Originality: The study is one of the types that underscores the increasing importance of FinTech in molding the future landscape of financial services and highlights its crucial function in bolstering entrepreneurial endeavors within developing economies such as India as no previous study has been conducted considering FinTech as a Financial solution for startups.