Understanding the Perception of Stakeholders Regarding Corporate Web-based Disclosure in India
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The digital transformation of corporate communications has resulted in substantial alterations in the how firms disseminate information to diverse stakeholders. The widespread use of the World Wide Web as an instrument of communication has made web-based distribution of corporate information a necessity for companies that wish to establish connections with their investors, employees, consumers, and regulators. The main aim of study was to ascertain the perspectives of a variety of stakeholders regarding the web-based disclosure of corporate financial and non-financial information through websites. The investigation employs both primary and secondary data. A well-designed questionnaire is used to capture primary data from a total of 357 respondents. With the help of Confirmatory Factor Analysis, five key factors i.e. ‘Economical and Expeditious’, ‘Creditability’, ‘Traditional vs. Digital Reporting’, ‘Contemporary and Cross-border Advancements’ and ‘Instantaneously and Forecasting Efficiency’ were extracted from twenty-nine statements. The findings of the analysis indicate that there is a substantial disparity in the perspectives of various stakeholders with regard to the disclosure of both financial and non- financial data about corporations through websites.